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Postnatal Care for Mum and Baby

The doctors at Practice provide unique, practical and supportive postnatal care that is essential to a mother and baby’s well-being, including:

  • Breastfeeding and bottle feeding advice and education;

  • Providing mental health support;

  • Checking your healing progress;

  • Sleep and settling advice;

  • 6 week post natal check; and

  • New born care including immunisation.

If you need any postnatal support, you can make an appointment with your doctor at any time. You do not need to wait until the 6 week postnatal check.

6 week postal natal check for mother and baby

The 6 week postnatal check involves a thorough assessment of both mother and baby.

The 6 week postnatal check for baby will often involve:

  • general examination of baby including responsiveness;

  • weighing and measuring your baby;

  • hip examination;

  • abdomen examination;

  • 6 week immunisation;

  • discussing any concerns you may have.

The 6 week postnatal examination for baby can take up to 45 minutes.

The 6 week postnatal check for mother can often involve:

  • checking your blood pressure;

  • checking your perineum if you had a tear or episiotomy;

  • a breast examination;

  • checking healing progress of incision if a caesarean birth;

  • completing a pap smear if due;

  • ordering follow up blood tests;

  • assisting with breastfeeding support and education;

  • offering suggestions on sleep and settling techniques;

  • discussing any concerns, fears or anxieties.

We recommend mothers book in a 30 minute appointment to see your doctor.

Please don’t forget to bring your babies blue book.

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